Rep. Engel Calls Highway Trust Fund Bill a "Band Aid"


Date: July 16, 2014
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Transportation

Congressman Eliot Engel, a senior member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, voted to reauthorize funding for the Highway Trust Fund, but says Congress must do more to work towards a long-term solution to avoid a potential shortfall next year.

"This bill is little more than a band aid, but the alternative would have been far worse. If Congress failed to replenish funding for the Highway Trust Fund, then states would see an estimated 28 percent drop in federal financing for vital infrastructure projects. New projects would be halted, and much-needed repairs for existing roads and bridges would be delayed."

According to the White House, an estimated 23 percent of New York's public roads are in poor condition. If Congress failed to renew the Highway Trust Fund then 48,389 jobs would be in jeopardy and 6,402 active highway and transit programs would either be slowed down or ceased.

"I am disappointed that House Republicans opted for a quick-fix rather than a multi-year transportation package. This bill only extends financing for the Highway Trust Fund through the end of next May so I am very concerned that we will be in a similar situation next year.

"I have long called for Congress to do more to fix our aging infrastructure, and to do so with greater urgency. I can only hope that Republicans will be more willing to work on a comprehensive solution before May."
