Issue Position: General

Issue Position

As a mother and wife, I know firsthand that strong families are the key to Minnesota's prosperity., and I will fight to protect our family values and constitutional liberties by putting the people first again.

Running a small business, I support rightsizing our state government to ensure it is effective and efficient and our taxes are regionally competitive.

As a home-school teacher, I support restoring local control to parents and teachers to create efficient and valued education that puts our kids on track to compete globally.

I will work to replace Minnesota's version of Obamacare with a patient-centered healthcare system that safeguards personal information, and I will remove barriers to lifesaving treatments and medications.

I strongly support and honor our veterans and our military because they are our bedrock to securing our freedoms by serving and protecting our great state and our nation.

I have always been, and always will be 100% Pro-Life and an unwavering Second Amendment supporter.
