Smart Guns

Floor Speech

Date: July 15, 2014
Location: Washington, DC

Mrs. CAROLYN B. MALONEY of New York. Madam Speaker, I rise once again to highlight the harmful, hypocritical influence of the gun lobby in America.

Just last week, The New York Times columnist, Joe Nocera, relayed the story of Andy Raymond, a Maryland gun dealer who faced death threats and hate mail from pro-gun radicals, all for trying to sell a gun that could save lives, the smart gun.

Smart gun technology is a breakthrough, one that could prevent thousands of accidental deaths and keep criminals from using stolen guns, yet intimidation and threats keep these products from the market while the gun lobby stands idle.

Last month, Senator Markey and I called on the NRA to denounce these so-called activists and their threats. They are all that stands between consumers and safer gun technology, and we cannot allow harassment and threats to continue while 45 Americans are shot, on average, in a gun accident every single day in America.

Smart guns can stop this.
