Calvert Performs Shakespeare Roles in Benefit Production

Date: March 7, 2005
Location: Washington, DC

Calvert Performs Shakespeare Roles in Benefit Production

Washington, DC - Congressman Ken Calvert will appear in a production at the Shakespeare Theatre in Washington DC this evening. The production titled "Will on the Hill: Lessons from Shakespeare on making it in Washington" features several members of Congress and well known media personalities playing traditional Shakespearean characters.

"It's a fun night for a good cause so I'm happy to participate. As the Bard said 'Brevity is the soul of wit' - that must be why they only gave me three lines," said Calvert, whose only previous acting experience was trying out for "Oklahoma" at Corona High School.

The production is part of the Shakespeare Theater of Washington, D.C.'s annual Congressional Night. Proceeds from the ticket sales will go to benefit the theatre's education and community outreach programs.
