Lowering Gasoline Prices to Fuel an America That Works Act of 2014

Floor Speech

Mr. VAN HOLLEN. Mr. Chair, in the absence of fresh ideas for the American people, the Republican majority is turning back to old ones and repackaging legislation that has already passed the House for another vote. It may have a nice name, but this bill contains the same unnecessary, irresponsible giveaways to Big Oil at the expense of American taxpayers.

Today's bill would dramatically expand drilling on public lands and offshore, limiting public input into those lease sales and prioritizing drilling above all other uses, including hunting, fishing, and recreation. It undermines the existing procedures that ensure safe and responsible operations, effectively giving oil companies a blank check without appropriate safeguards.

This bill is unnecessary. Oil production in the United States is already at a 25-year high and net oil imports are at a 29-year low. We are already the world's top natural gas producer. This bill will not reduce energy prices or increase energy security. We should not give away our taxpayer-owned natural resources to already-profitable big oil companies. I urge a no vote.
