Issue Position: Jobs and Economic Development

Issue Position

As Governor, Angel Taveras will fight every day to put Rhode Islanders back to work and rebuild an economy that works for everyone.

As Mayor of the City of Providence, Angel is implementing a 20-point economic development plan focused on creating jobs, supporting small businesses and expanding opportunity in every city neighborhood. Mayor Taveras has moved the City's permitting processes online, frozen the City's commercial property tax rate, invested in infrastructure and launched a new storefront investment program that is investing in main streets throughout Providence. As a candidate for Governor, Mayor Taveras has outlined a bold vision for accelerating the pace of Rhode Island's economic recovery and creating an environment where diverse industry sectors -- from technology to tourism -- enjoy the strong support of a state government focused on economic development.

As Governor, Angel will:

Fight to raise Rhode Island's minimum wage to $10.10 per hour.

Launch "Training Rhode Island," a new workforce development program that matches coursework at the Community College of Rhode Island with eligible, participating businesses.

Update Rhode Island's antiquated anti-discrimination law to ensure that Rhode Island's working women are paid an equal and fair wage.

Undertake a comprehensive infrastructure development program, putting Rhode Islanders back to work rebuilding our public schools and our dilapidated bridges, highways and transportation networks.

Make public education a top priority in economic development by enacting universal pre-kindergarten and raising the percentage of students statewide who are reading proficiently by the end of third grade.

Make Rhode Island a leader in advanced manufacturing.

Encourage research work in our universities and hospitals as a catalyst for further economic development.

Promote growth through the use of our ports.

Grow Rhode Island's tourism industry to create good paying jobs and increase tax revenue.
