Our Hard-Fought Independence


Date: June 30, 2014

It's been 238 years since our forefathers set out to establish a new nation based on the idea that the people should be able to govern themselves, free from the pressures of a powerful central government or individual ruler in a far off land. They set out to establish a new and innovative system of government where the citizens enjoyed equal representation and the power of the central authority was limited. At the heart of this new nation were principles like religious freedom and individual liberty.

Building this new nation didn't come easy. Blood was spilled and lives were lost while installing and defending these values. Over time, our experimental system of government was tried and tested both by those on the outside who sought to attack our way of life, and by those from within, who attempted to expand their own authority.

Our founders knew this would be an ongoing struggle. They created a separation of powers and a system of checks and balances in our central government to keep it from becoming too powerful. Those safeguards are still alive and well today.

Just last week we saw this system in place when the Supreme Court stepped in to prevent the Executive Branch from usurping power granted to Congress by the Constitution. When one branch of government oversteps its authority, it is up to the others to reestablish balance. That's exactly what the Supreme Court did when it unanimously ruled that the President ignored Congress's role of advice and consent, and illegally filled certain executive branch vacancies. This week, the Court upheld our rights to religious liberty when it ruled that the government couldn't compel closely-held businesses to provide certain services that violated their deeply-held religious beliefs.

These are just a few of the most recent challenges our system of government and values have faced. Through it all, our independence has endured. And while many Americans share different views, lifestyles and goals, the very fact that we can peacefully coexist despite our differences is a testament to the strength of our freedom.

This Fourth of July weekend, as you gather with friends and neighbors to celebrate the holiday, I encourage you to take a moment to consider the many blessings we have as a nation, like our freedom and individual liberty. Think about how these blessings were won--through bold resolve and selfless sacrifice.

There are many places in the world today that do not share our principles. Families in other nations still face the tyranny of harsh dictators. Military oppression is not a thing of the past in some corners of the globe. Rampant corruption and sectarian strife still plague the progress of people reaching for their independence.

We truly are blessed to live in this great nation. Through our hard-fought independence and ongoing commitment to preserve the rights and freedoms of all our citizens, the United States remains a beacon of hope and liberty for nations still fighting to cast off the shackles of oppression that our forefathers shattered 238 years ago.

Have a safe and happy Independence Day.
