Lowering Gasoline Prices to Fuel an America That Works Act of 2014

Floor Speech

Date: June 25, 2014
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. TIPTON. I thank the gentleman from Washington, Chairman Hastings, for yielding time and for his leadership on this critical matter. I appreciate the opportunity to be able to work closely with him on this legislation and am pleased my Planning for American Energy Act was incorporated as part of the Lowering Gasoline Prices to Fuel an America That Works Act of 2014.

Mr. Chair, this final commonsense package seeks to put in place a responsible energy plan that reduces gas prices and other energy costs for consumers, while also spurring economic growth and job creation.

Unlocking our vast natural resources right here at home will lead us closer to energy independence. The legislation before us today would unleash the potential for thousands of new jobs and establish a reliable, affordable, and secure source of American energy through responsible production.

As Americans make plans to celebrate our Nation's independence next week and prepare for summer trips, they are noticing that gasoline prices are rising. Many people are facing gas prices above $3.50 a gallon to $4 a gallon at the pump. These rising fuel costs have a ripple effect across our economy. But, sadly, this upward trend has been steady for the last several years. Fortunately, this doesn't have to be the case.

Nature and entrepreneurial ingenuity have created the potential to allow America to take complete control of its energy future. This legislation will enhance the value of our energy reserves by removing overly burdensome, redundant bureaucratic barriers that stand in the way of responsibly developing our Nation's energy production infrastructure.

Incorporated in this vital legislative package, my Planning for American Energy Act seeks to establish commonsense steps to create an all-of-the-above American energy plan for using Federal lands to meet America's energy needs. Under title II of this legislation, the nonpartisan Energy Information Administration would be required to provide the Secretaries of the Interior and Agriculture the projected energy needs of the United States for the next 30 years. The Secretaries would use this information to establish environmentally responsible 4-year energy production plans.

The bill allows for energy development on public lands in order to promote the energy and national security of the United States, in accordance with the multiple-use management standard established by the Federal Land Policy Management Act. It requires that all energy resources, including wind, solar, hydropower, geothermal, oil, natural gas, coal, oil shale, and minerals needed for energy development, be included in the plan. These goals would be accomplished responsibly, without repealing a single environmental regulation or review process.

Since President Obama took office, energy production on Federal lands has declined significantly. Additionally, the drastic increase of burdensome Federal regulations imposed by this administration is having a detrimental effect on small businesses, jobs, and consumer prices across the board. A recent study showed that the regulatory burden on Americans is costing our economy about $1.8 trillion annually.

Colorado and our Western neighbors are home to vast energy reserves that, if tapped and developed responsibly, could fuel our Nation's economic recovery and ensure the United States remains competitive in the world market. By promoting a commonsense regulatory framework, embracing domestic energy research and development, and applying environmental and safety standards already on the books, rather than adding costly new mandates, we can help meet America's energy needs right here at home, providing energy and economic security that will benefit American families.

America's energy capabilities are being strangled, and rising gas prices is one of the consequences. This doesn't have to be. A true all-of-the-above energy strategy that unleashes our abundant resources will lead to affordable energy for our families and small businesses for years to come. Our nature and the future prosperity of our citizens requires a true all-of-the-above domestic energy plan that responsibly increases production on Federal lands while streamlining efficiencies and reducing red tape.

