Larry Smith Insists the Federal Government Cannot Promote Policies That Allow Child Abuse

Press Release

Date: June 18, 2014

Larry Smith, candidate for Texas' most southern Congressional District, calls out the Obama administration on its failed executive action "Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals" and the administration's failure to properly protect the US border. It's time for Texas to act now to prevent the massive child neglect taking place.

Smith said in a statement: "President Obama's use of executive orders that bypass Congress and his lax immigration enforcement have utterly failed not only the people of South Texas and the Rio Grande Valley, but also the unaccompanied children being dropped off at the US border."

"Democrat policies have encouraged a flood of people coming to and passing right through our border. It is unconscionable that abandoned children are living in squalid conditions. Likewise, Rep. Filemon Vela has suggested that economic conditions are involved in this surge of children, but children do not travel 800 miles alone without assistance and encouragement of governments. Rep. Vela fails his constituents by ignoring the facts of this crisis on his own doorstep."

"The people most expert in handling our borders - the border agents themselves - recognize what's happening along our border with Mexico as unprecedented. This is not a reflection of United States immigration policy as directed by Congress. This is unfortunately typical of this administration."

"When the federal government fails to respond to a crisis, the state in which that crisis occurs has an obligation to its people to uphold law and order. It's time for the state of Texas to operate in the absence of the federal government and prevent greater crisis from unfolding. It's time for Texas to act to save lives and property."

"President Obama has failed us along our border, just as his administration has failed us in Iraq. The sacrifices we veterans made in the Middle East are thrown away now by neglect. Entire towns that were safely in the hands of its citizens are being lost to insurgents. Will the Democrats ignore this crisis and allow this part of Texas to be overrun by those who disregard the law as well? Apparently so."

"Where we have ability to help, the United States is well known for its willingness to aid those in crisis, but we must do this in a lawful and manageable way and do so within our means. I call on Texas to move quickly for the sake of her citizens."

Larry Smith is a veteran running for US Congressional District 34 in Texas.
