Issue Position: People or Fortune 500 Corporations

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2014

I believe the idea of a government of the people, by the people and for the people. And while the US Supreme Court has ruled that corporations have a voice the same as an individual, corporations are designed to employ and improve the lives of people.

If one printed out the IRS code, it would be almost 80,000 pages. Of those 80,000 pages, over 65,000 of them were written for the benefit of large corporations. Tax shelters, asset depreciation, credits and deductions, environmental escapes and write offs.

The tax code even allows when and how profits are reported in various years to benefit a corporation and its investors. I believe that the average citizen should be at least as central to the benefits of the tax code.

I believe that we should find ways to give credits to citizens for things such as the transportation costs of our veterans to go to the VA hospitals, or give a deductible value to the time of a caregiver for a senior, or a deduction for daycare to a single parent going to college.

The middle class seems to be disappearing. When mega-corporations can write the tax code to their benefit, there is a shift to individuals for the tax revenue to fund police, fire, infrastructure, parks, libraries, and public education. I believe that the middle class is drowning from the weight of all that tax shifting.

I believe that instead of investing in lobbyists to write IRS code language that benefits mega corporations more than the average American, members of Congress should always keep in mind their citizen constituents, who are the consumers and tax payers, the real economic engine of our national economy.
