Issue Position: Women and Families

Issue Position

Bruce Braley has fought to level the playing field for working women, supporting efforts to ensure equal pay for equal work. He supported the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act so women facing wage discrimination at the workplace could seek recourse. And he's sponsored the Paycheck Fairness Act to strengthen protections against wage discrimination.

Inspired by the tragic death of a constituent, Bruce has fought to reduce the instance of sexual assault and sexual violence that has plagued women in the military and ensure victims of these terrible crimes can seek justice. He also worked to pass a renewal of the Violence Against Women Act that provides critical domestic violence protections.

Ensuring equal access to healthcare and healthcare freedom for women is also important to Bruce. He successfully fought for changes that stopped insurance companies from charging women higher insurance premiums than men. Bruce also believes that Roe vs. Wade is settled law, and that important medical decisions are best made by women and their doctors.
