Issue Position: "Get What You Pay for" Government

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2014

Sacramento has become a merry-go-round for career politicians who use the power of their positions to move up the political ladder instead of improving California's financial environment and quality of life. There's no incentive to ensuring economic development, recruiting businesses, advancing our education system, or achieving better civic engagement. Elections shouldn't be the only time we judge our politicians. Taxpayers are currently paying six-figure salaries for government complacency.

Pete's Plan:

- Set the example for other politicians by getting paid according to my performance.

- Establish my own "10-Point Performance Dashboard"…and I'll post it on the new SoS homepage.

- I'll get paid only for those portions of the dashboard that I successfully execute.

- Launch a biannual "Eureka Prize," awarding counties and Californians on civic engagement measures, including the highest increases in voter turnout and the development of online/handheld voting applications.
