For Some, $1300 is the Difference


Date: June 25, 2014

About $300 a week.

That's what people making the federal minimum wage make. A typical CEO makes 774 times that.

To me -- the need to raise the minimum wage is obvious. Cities like Santa Fe that have raised the minimum on their own have eased the burden on workers, allowing them a greater opportunity to withstand the challenges of living that close to the poverty line -- without suffering any raise in unemployment.

Yet while Susana Martinez makes life easier for her wealthy CEO donors, she has vetoed raises in the minimum wage.

This isn't personal: This is a fundamental difference in policy that will define this election, because the outcome will define the health of our workforce.

A raise of the minimum wage to $10.10 would, according to an OXFAM America study, bring an extra $1300 per year to many families. For a family of four, this could mean 10 weeks of groceries that they literally can't afford now.

No one who works full time should live in poverty. The governor showers money on her contributors and I will take immediate steps to create more financial security for our working families.

That is a difference you can vote on.
