Issue Position: Confront Climate Change and Create a Renewable Energy Economy

Issue Position

Date: June 25, 2014

Climate change is a real and increasing threat to our environment and our economy. I have a strong record of working to reduce Oregon's greenhouse gas emissions and dependence on fossil fuels by supporting legislation that created Oregon's Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) when I was in the Oregon Legislature. Under RPS Oregon's largest utilities will supply 25% of their electricity from renewable sources by 2025. Additionally, I am supporting increased resources for weatherization assistance to increase the energy efficiency of homes, as well as state energy programs that fund energy efficiency projects at hospitals and schools to conserve energy and save money on utility bills. I have a leadership position on the Environment Subcommittee of the Science, Space and, Technology Committee, where I strive to set the record straight on climate science and urge my colleagues to take action to protect our natural resources from the effects of climate change.

Oregon has shown that we can create jobs while protecting the environment. Investing in clean and renewable energy has and will continue to create jobs, reduce our impact on climate change, and simultaneously reduce our reliance on foreign fossil fuels. Addressing climate change is critical for our planet, our economy, and for national security.

Action: Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Invest in Renewable Energy

Oppose tax benefits for established fossil fuel industries like big oil. These tax benefits hinder our ability to combat climate change and invest in renewable energy, prolong our dependence on foreign oil, and therefore threaten our national security. Instead we should invest those resources in our citizenry, rebuilding infrastructure to grow the economy, protecting the middle class, standing up for seniors, and reducing the deficit.

Oppose attempts to drill off of Oregon's coast. Oregonians can count on me to oppose attempts to drill off our coast, just as I did in the Oregon Legislature.

Support policies that decrease our dependence on foreign fossil fuels. I support greater incentives for the development of renewable energy sources and electronic vehicle (EV) adoption, and I have promoted Oregon's EV infrastructure growth as a successful example to replicate nationwide

Support EPA regulation of greenhouse gasses. We must reduce greenhouse in a meaningful way to fight climate change and its effects on the environment, health, and the economy. I support incentives for new technologies that will lead to a reduction of CO2 emissions, and I support policies that increase the energy efficiency of our buildings. We can reduce energy use and carbon emissions while simultaneously saving money. I support targeted investments in education, research and development in energy efficiency, and conservation.
