Issue Position: Rebuild Our Economy

Issue Position

As your Congresswoman, my first priority is growing the economy. Congress must work together to inspire certainty and confidence in the private sector, which will be the source of our long-term economic recovery. Our businesses and consumers are delaying investments and purchases in part because they are uncertain about the future, and American families are paying the price as people remain unemployed because our businesses are not able to hire in significant numbers.

I support policies that will grow the economy while also protecting our most vulnerable citizens and rebuilding and supporting a vibrant middle class.

Action: Secure a Prosperous Economic Future

Invest in our communities. It is time to rebuild our economy by rebuilding America. We must invest in infrastructure and put Oregonians back to work building roads, bridges, water systems, schools, and electrical grids. And if we retrofit buildings, increasing energy efficiency and lowering costs, we can create jobs and save energy and money.

Increase access to capital for small businesses. For many Americans, owning a successful business is the path to achieving the American Dream. Small businesses are a critical engine of job growth and economic prosperity, which is why I introduced and passed legislation as a state legislator to help small businesses access capital so that they can grow, create jobs, and increase their bottom line. The federal government can boost its efforts to do the same. In Congress, I have continued to work for legislation like the Small Business Lending Enhancement Act, which will create new opportunities for small businesses to access the capital they need to grow and thrive by opening up more small business lending through credit unions. My record demonstrates why Oregonians can trust that I work hard for small businesses in Congress.

Help businesses keep people working. With the lingering effects of the recession on businesses, the federal government should promote and support the use of work share programs. Oregon is one of many states with work share programs, but the programs are rarely used. Work share programs help businesses avoid lay-offs. Instead of lay-offs, hours are cut and through already allocated unemployment insurance, the government helps to fill the gap in pay. The result: Oregonians keep their jobs and businesses and government both save money.

Strengthen public education. A strong system of public education is the key to our economic recovery and the heart of our democracy. We must stop seeing education as a budget item that can be cut when times are tough; that is when it is most critical to improve education as a long-term solution to secure our economic future. We must empower public schools to give our children the education they need to succeed in an increasingly competitive global economy.

Link community colleges and workforce training to local business. It is important for our community colleges and workforce training programs to be linked with local businesses so that job seekers get the education they need for the jobs that are available. As a member of the Education and Workforce Committee, I introduced legislation to support linking small businesses with workforce development programs and community colleges to ensure workers have the skills that local employers need and value.

Enact strong consumer protection laws to prevent another financial crisis. After the crash of 1929 and the Great Depression, Congress passed laws to regulate the stock market and stop corporate abuses. Now Congress must assure that we once again have strong consumer protection laws to rebuild consumer confidence and prevent another financial crisis. I will work to ensure that our marketplace is fair for both consumers and businesses and that the rules are enforced.
