Hearing of the Senate Appropriations Committee - Markup of the FY15 Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies Appropriations Bill and the FY15 Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies Appropriations Bill


"I am pleased to now present the Commerce, Justice, and Science bill. Senator Shelby and I
worked hand in hand to craft this bill. He is a true partner.

"We used the great ideas of our Committee Members to produce a bipartisan bill consistent with
the CJS allocation of $51.2 billion, $398 million less than our 2014 allocation. The bill allows us
to fund priorities that keep America safe, open for business, and driving innovation.

"We can't have strong, vibrant communities unless they are safe. This bill provides $28 billion
for the Justice Department, $260 million more than 2014 levels and $23 million more than the
President's request, so that the Justice Department can carry out its mission to keep America safe
from crime and terrorism, protect communities and families, and administer justice fairly.

"Vice Chairman Shelby and I have also included the necessary funding for the Justice
Department to investigate the appalling scandal at the Department of Veterans Affairs. Our
veterans deserve justice, not delays.

"Drug dealers, gang members, child predators, and cyber criminals are hard at work and our
Justice Department should be too. The Senate CJS bill sets aside $26 billion for federal law
enforcement, including funding for the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Drug Enforcement
Administration, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, and the U.S.
Marshals Service, as well as our federal prosecutors and Federal Prison System.

"In this bill we provide key grants to our state and local police departments. These grants fund
tried and true activities that will put 1,400 new police officers on the beat, test DNA and forensic
evidence in police labs, and provide 80,000 bulletproof vests to officers who need them.

"This bill also funds new ideas that address emerging problems. For example, the bill directs the
Department of Justice to convene a task force to address the heroin crisis not simply in terms of
enforcement, but also as a problem that involves education, treatment, and abuse of prescription
pain killers. The task force will take a whole of government approach to heroin so Justice,
Education, and Health and Human Services, along with other partners can be best at what they
are best at and best at what they are needed for. The bill also includes $10 million for new antiheroin task forces that will battle new threats from an old drug.

"The CJS bill also provides $41 million for a new competitive grant program to test sexual
assault kits that are sitting in police evidence rooms and help reform the way communities and
law enforcement respond to sexual assault.

"The bill continues to fund innovative, much-needed programs like improving school safety.
This program is funded at $75 million.

"While funding for law enforcement and the Justice Department helps keep us safe from
criminals and cyber attacks, funding for the Department of Commerce keeps America open for

"The bill provides $8.6 billion for the Department of Commerce, $375 million more than the
2014 level and $190 million less than the President's request.

"This will allow the Commerce Department to continue working with companies and industry
leaders to bolster business by protecting patents, promoting trade, providing economic
development projects in communities across the Nation, and helping coastal economies with
sustainable fisheries and healthy oceans.

"The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) plays a crucial role in keeping
people safe by warning Americans to get out of the way when hurricanes, tornadoes, and other
severe weather storms threaten us.

"Weather doesn't just come from an app on your phone, which is why our CJS bill includes more
than $3 billion to keep our flagship weather satellites on budget and on track, and our weather
forecasting offices fully staffed and ready.

"The bill also provides $25 billion for science agencies. This is $337 million more than the 2014
level and $439 million more than the President's request.

"In April, the Full Committee held a hearing on innovation and discussed the importance of
continued commitment to research and development that leads to new American ideas, products,
and jobs. In fact, half of the nation's economic growth can be traced to innovation."To further discovery-fueled innovation, the bill provides the full budget request for the National
Science Foundation of $7.2 billion. This will fund more than 11,000 grants for cutting-edge
research and education that generates discoveries and inspires new companies.

"We also provide $17.9 billion dollars for NASA, America's iconic space agency. This bill
rejects the deep cuts proposed by the President and funds a balanced space program that includes
human space flight, reliable space transportation, aeronautics, and space science that will allow
us to understand and protect the planet and explore the sun and solar system.

"As appropriators, we must be shrewd stewards of federal funds and support a frugal
government. That's why I listen carefully to the recommendations of the Inspectors General
(IG) and the Government Accountability Office and provide robust funding for our agency IGs.

"This CJS bill includes early warnings for techno-boondoggles, robust oversight by IGs, audits
of grants and contracts, and restrictions on conference spending so we don't end up paying for
any more $5 meatballs.

"But we've also started a dialogue with Senator Coburn, who brought several items to our
attention, many of which we address in this bill.

"Our bill bans wasteful spending on official portraits, which is an effort our fellow appropriator,
Senator Shaheen, is also leading in her bill. It makes the Commerce Department's National
Technical Information Service stop charging high prices for Congressional reports that are
available elsewhere for free.

"Also, we ask for accountability for agency advertisement spending and travel funds. I am
committed to reform and to a more frugal government.

"This CJS bill is a good bill. I listened to my Committee colleagues with good ideas on a range
of issues, from how to improve fishery management and manufacturing, to making the patent
office more effective to fighting gangs and drug epidemics.

"With respect to the second matter we will consider today, the Transportation, Housing and
Urban Development (THUD) bill, I want to commend Senators Murray and Collins for writing a
bill that generates jobs, particularly in the area of infrastructure both nationwide and in my home
state of Maryland.

"There is a substantial focus on public safety in the transportation portion of the bill. The HUD
part of the bill demonstrates a capacity to meet compelling human needs.

"This bill funds investments that develop and strengthen our communities through proven
initiatives including Community Development Block Grants. It also provides essential
assistance to the poorest of the poor by supporting homeless shelters and lead paint abatement. "This bill will help us build and maintain our transportation infrastructure, including highways, aviation, transit, and rail. Transportation programs funded in this bill support economic development and job creation and make it possible for people to travel safely to work and
businesses to move their products to market.

"Reliable, safe and rapid transportation is key to our ability to compete in the global market.
This is a good bill that preserves our commitment to assist the most vulnerable while also
providing necessary investments in our infrastructure and communities.

"I look forward to moving both bills out of the Full Committee and to the Senate Floor."
