Issue Position: Community Development

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2014

The communities of Eastern Baltimore County used to be the place where young people moved to start a family.

Our communities haven't received the attention given to other communities around the county. There are many social, commercial and residential areas of our district that have not grown with our community. We want the communities of Dundalk, Essex, Edgemere, Middle River and Rosedale to be communities that our children take pride in.

To revitalize our district, we must ensure that development keeps pace with the people of our community. As your Delegate, I pledge to work towards making our district an attractive place to live, work and visit.

Attract Young, Working Families
Communities are built on the energy and enthusiasm of young, working families. If we hope to revitalize our communities, we must make our district an attractive place to live. I pledge to work to make the social, commercial and residential areas of our district appealing and friendly to young families.

Develop Our Business Corridors
There are many business corridors that should be the social centers of our community. Stagnant businesses and empty rental spaces do little for our residents. I pledge to fight for growth along these corridors to make our communities an attractive place to live, work and visit.

Halt Section 8 and Workforce Housing
More than any other district in the county, our communities have been tasked unequally with the support of section 8 housing and "workforce" housing. This has resulted in a drain on our community resources and the decline of many neighborhoods. I pledge to halt the transfer of section 8 and workforce housing to our communities.

Put Priority in Our Communities
In many parts of our district, the roads, schools and infrastructure aren't invested in as well as they are in other parts of our county. I pledge to fight to make sure our tax dollars are spent in our communities.

Proactively Clean Up Our Communities
Our communities deserve proactive leadership that will fight to clean up stagnant areas of our community. I pledge fight to clean up areas of blight in our neighborhoods.

Make the Development Process Transparent
Our development decisions should not be made by an unelected, anonymous group of individuals whose interests are a mystery to the public. I pledge to sponsor legislation to end the back room development deals and make the entire process open to the public.

No Money from Developers
The influence of development has corrupted Baltimore politics for too long. I pledge not to accept campaign contributions from developers.
