Rep. Huelskamp Grills VA Officials

Press Release

Date: May 29, 2014
Location: Washington, DC

On Wednesday evening, Congressman Tim Huelskamp (KS-01), a member of the House Veterans Affairs Committee, grilled VA officials over mistreatment and denial of care to our Veterans. Following investigative results that 1,700 Veterans were languishing on secret waiting lists and denied care at a Phoenix VA hospital, Huelskamp questioned Dr. Thomas Lynch, Assistant Deputy Under Secretary for Health for Clinical Operations and Management; Joan Mooney, Assistant Secretary for Congressional and Legislative Affairs; and Michael Huff, Congressional Relations Officer. Rep. Huelskamp issued the following statement:

"After directly questioning these Obama Administration officials for answers, it is now abundantly clear what we're dealing with is incompetence and a potential nationwide cover-up. I see no other conclusion -- this Administration knew about and condoned multiple secret waiting lists and Veterans have died as a result. Who will be held accountable?

"The VA officials in charge of the Phoenix VA facility and the dozens of others under investigation across America ought to receive a pink slip instead of bonuses--possibly even criminal charges. We have to hold the VA and its bosses -- Secretary Shinseki and President Obama -- accountable for these failures. It is time to reform a system -- and offer our Veterans a choice in health care. Instead of being forced into a government system with few or no choices, the brave men and women who have defended America ought to be offered a choice in medical care.

"These officials refuse to provide answers, refuse to honor accountability to the American people, and refuse to give care to the brave men and women who have fought to protect this country. My search for answers is far from over."
