Thornberry Statement on Recent VA Scandal


Date: May 21, 2014
Location: Washington, DC

Washington, D.C. -- Rep. Mac Thornberry (R-Clarendon) made the following statement in response to the recent allegations of abuse at VA clinics across the country:

"The problems coming to light at VA facilities are appalling. Our veterans, who have bravely served this country, deserve to get the medical attention they need, when they need it. And all of us deserve government agencies that are honest and open.

"Last week, Members of the Texas Delegation sent a letter to the Inspector General calling for further investigations of the VA clinics in Austin, Waco, and San Antonio. And today the House passed a bill to give the Secretary of the VA the authority to fire senior level employees who fail to put the treatment of our veterans first. I'm afraid, however, that the problems go far deeper and require more drastic changes. The House must continue to make this a priority."
