More Than 100 Members of Congress Urge Action on Human Rights in Honduras

Press Release

Today, Rep. Jan Schakowsky led more than 100 Members of Congress on a letter to Secretary of State John Kerry urging action on human rights in Honduras. The letter expresses concerns about the situation within the country and urges the State Department to take an active role in ensuring that human rights are protected in the country. Almost five years after the 2009 coup, human rights violations continue to occur in the country. Vulnerable groups, including members of the LGBT community, labor organizers, indigenous and campesino activists and others continue to face threats of violence or worse. The letter describes numerous incidents where individuals' rights have been violated -- in some situations, by Honduran police or military forces.

"I am committed to addressing human rights violations around the world, and I have seen the dire situation in Honduras firsthand. Given our nation's continued support for the Honduran government -- including support for police and military forces -- we must make sure that human rights in the country are protected. Anyone violating human rights in Honduras must be held accountable under the law.

Recent developments in the region, including the beating of many protestors and some members of the National Congress of Honduras just recently are very concerning. My colleagues and I believe it is essential that the State Department use its influence to encourage the Honduran government to uphold rule of law and ensure the protection of those who are threatened."
