Howard P. "Buck" McKeon National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2015

Floor Speech

Date: May 21, 2014
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. MURPHY of Florida. Madam Chair, I want to thank the gentleman from Washington for yielding. I want to thank the chairman for his efforts on this evening's work.

I rise today in support of my amendment to improve mental health and suicide prevention for our Nation's veterans.

Every day our country loses 22 of our Nation's heroes to suicide. This heartbreaking statistic remains a devastating reality that should shake every Member in this House. Truly providing our heroes with the respect and care they have earned means treating not only physical, but invisible wounds as well.

With damning reports about the VA failing our veterans and our country, my amendment would insist on more accountability by requiring an independent third-party evaluation of existing suicide prevention efforts to improve coordination and integration between the DOD and the VA.

Outcomes of servicemember and veteran suicide prevention programs are too important to be left to government agencies, particularly ones embroiled in scandal.

I urge my colleagues to support my amendment. Our Nation must not continue to fail those who served us so bravely.

