Horsford Votes Against Deficit-Hiking GOP Tax Bill

Press Release

Date: May 9, 2014
Location: Washington, DC

Today, Representative Steven Horsford (NV-4) voted against H.R. 4438, a Republican bill to permanently extend the Research and Experimentation Credit while increasing the federal deficit.

"The House Republicans who proposed this bill are hypocrites," Horsford said. "They argue we can't extend unemployment insurance for nearly 3 million Americans without a pay-for, but then turn around and give a corporate tax break of $156 billion without a plan to pay for it. Republicans are less concerned about fixing our budget and more interested in giving tax breaks to corporate special interests."

The bill would make permanent only six of nearly 60 tax provisions that expired last year, excluding critical tax programs that help hard-working Americans, such as the Earned Income Tax Credit and the Child Tax Credit, along with provisions that promote the hiring of veterans and help families afford college.

The "American Research and Competitiveness Act" passed by a vote of 274-131.
