McConnell on the Resignation of Eric Shinseki from the VA


U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell issued the following statement today regarding the resignation of Secretary Shinseki:

"Secretary Eric Shinseki has given this nation a lifetime of honorable service, and he is owed a debt of gratitude for his personal sacrifices made in and out of uniform.

"The denial of care to our veterans is a national disgrace, and it's fitting that the person who oversees the Department of Veterans Affairs has accepted responsibility for this growing scandal and resigned. The findings of the interim Inspector General report reveal a systemic failure within the Department of Veterans Affairs caused by a failure of leadership and supervision up and down the chain of command.

"The President needs to replace Secretary Shinseki with a capable leader and manager who possesses the skills, leadership ability and determination to correct the failings of the VA, support the thousands of VA workers who are committed to serving our veterans, and provide all of those who have bravely served with the timely care they have earned. This change of leadership is a meaningful initial step to meet our solemn obligations, but what's still needed is an agreement by the President and his allies in Congress to join Republicans in legislation that would help to fix this system that has so failed our veterans."
