McHenry Calls for VA Secretary Shinseki to Resign


Date: May 29, 2014
Location: Washington, DC

Congressman Patrick McHenry (NC-10) release the following statement calling for the resignation of Department of Veterans Affairs Secretary Eric Shinseki following revelations of mismanagement and mistreatment at VA facilities in Phoenix and across the country:
"The treatment of veterans by the Phoenix VA is nothing short of disgusting. These brave Americans have given so much for our country and for them to be subjected to this horrendous treatment is repugnant.

"After I reviewed yesterday's interim report, it is clear that Secretary Shinseki has failed his most basic responsibility of caring for America's heroes. The report found these issues not to be isolated incidents but rather systemic problems throughout the VA system, a system Secretary Shinseki has led since the President took the oath of office in 2009. In light of these most recent revelations, I believe it is time Secretary Shinseki resign and allow for new leadership that will protect our nation's veterans.

"While the treatment of veterans uncovered in the report is awful, I must commend the staffs at both the Hickory outpatient clinic and Asheville VA Medical Center who have served the veterans in my district with distinction. I appreciate their service to our veterans."
