Hearing of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee - Reauthorization of MAP-21


Date: May 15, 2014
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Transportation

"Thank you Chairman Boxer and Ranking Member Vitter for your bipartisan leadership in getting this bill ready to be marked up and reported out of this committee today. I am proud to have been a part of this process to get us here. This is an important step forward on the way to passing a long-term transportation bill.

"Our states and cities and towns are counting on us to be a partner in infrastructure investment, and we need to work together to deliver. I hope that our colleagues on the Commerce and Banking Committees can also act quickly so that we can concentrate on finding a long-term funding solution to pay for these transportation programs.

"I'm particularly proud that we were able to include a new freight program to help improve the affordability, reliability, and efficiency of freight movement. This is an important step to focus transportation funds in a way that can support economic growth by reducing costs for businesses, helping them grow and better compete.

"I believe that these kind of investments are worth making, and I'm looking forward continuing my work on the Senate Finance Committee to find a fiscally responsible way to pay for them."
