CNN "The Situation Room" - Transcript: Wildfires in San Diego, Hillary Clinton, and Nigeria Kidnappings



BLITZER: We're following the breaking news. Raging wildfires in the San Diego area. They're forcing thousands of people to flee their homes and schools, about 15,000 so far. And that number is growing.

Joining us now, the House minority leader, the Democratic leader of the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi from California. You know this -- this is your home state. You see these pictures, Madam Leader. You see what is going on. People telling these stories of rushing home to get photo albums because firefighters are saying get out as these flames get closer. And it's only spreading because of the drought in California.

REP. NANCY PELOSI (D-CA), HOUSE MINORITY LEADER: Well, the drought has been a serious challenge to us. So much so that our governor has stopped having the lawns watered at the capitol, the browning of the capitol by Governor Brown.

But this is so tragic, and I hope some prayers for are with those people that they will leave. The pictures -- keep them -- those memories in your heart, but leave right away for your own safety and the safety of the first responders.

But the drought, the dryness -- San Francisco, which I left yesterday, was 90 degrees. For us, that is very hot. It's even hotter in southern California.

BLITZER: Ninety degrees in May. That's unusual. It was a hundred degrees, we're told, in Southern California. No rain in sight. So presumably, it's only going to get worse.

PELOSI: Well, they increased the area. North, south or east --

BLITZER: Yes. They're saying northern California, Oregon, Nevada, maybe Montana. This is a horrible situation.

PELOSI: It is. A terrible situation. With it, it's exacerbated as you mentioned by the drought.

BLITZER: But you say Governor Jerry Brown, he is on top of this. He's doing whatever needs to be done as the governor of your state.

PELOSI: Yes, indeed.

BLITZER: All right. Let's talk a little bit, some other stuff going on because I know your time is limited. So is ours. Hillary Clinton, you want her to run for president.

PELOSI: Of course.

BLITZER: What do you think of the Karl Rove statement raising questions about her health?

PELOSI: I think that Hillary's strength, her popularity, the prestige she enjoys has driven the Republicans to their wits' end. That's what I think. I think what he said is just -- he only makes her stronger.

BLITZER: But if you want to run for president, you have to open up the books as far as your health records, your financial records. All that kind of stuff becomes part of the record.

PELOSI: Well, when you talk about health here, you're equating it with age, too. He's not that much younger. Just a couple, three years younger than Hillary Clinton. Maybe he's projecting his own weaknesses on to somebody else.

But the fact is that Hillary Clinton by (INAUDIBLE) her strength, her experience, her stamina, by running for president, by being secretary of state, I feel confident about her ability to serve as the president of the United States.

BLITZER: Let's go through some other important issues right now. This select committee, this special committee that the speaker, the Republicans want on Benghazi. Are the Democrats going to participate?

PELOSI: We'll see. I mean, the point is we want to show the public how unfair this process is. It should be evenly divided. They don't want evenly divided. We said should have equal access to witnesses. They said you may not even ever have access to witnesses.

So I think what they have in mind is to control the documents, to control the witnesses, come to their own conclusions. We'll have to make a decision as to what the best way is to showcase their unfairness.

But this is unnecessary. We have had six congressional hearings, one independent hearing at the State Department and the rest.

BLITZER: But it's a done deal; they're going to do it. So the only question, I've spoken with a lot of your fellow Democrats, and they're not happy about this, don't get me wrong. But they do say this: at least if they're participating in the questioning, the testimony. Let's say Hillary Clinton comes before the panel to testify, it won't just be Republicans asking questions. There will be Democrats asking questions, making comments as well.

PELOSI: Our Democrats are divided on the issue. I'm make a decision about it. I just want to show the terms under which we would go in or not go in. But as I said -- Hillary Clinton, she can take care of herself. But nonetheless, I'm more concern about the witnesses they want to interview and not allow us to see.

BLITZER: When will a decision by you be made?

PELOSI: When I do.

BLITZER: Within a few days?

PELOSI: Well, the speaker suggested that we meet before we proceed with this. We haven't had that meeting yet. So when we have the meeting, then I'll -

BLITZER: So you'll meet with him and then make you'll make the decision. Quick question on --

PELOSI: Well, he's trying to avoid the meeting now, but we're waiting on --

BLITZER: I'm sure there will be a meeting, you'll let us know. The girls in Nigeria. Awful story. You have seen all the pictures. Our hearts go out to those families over there. Some members of Congress are saying send U.S. special operations forces in there. Get this job done. Save these girls. Get them back to their families. Is that something you would support?

PELOSI: Well, what we're supporting are a number of things. We have military intelligence, law enforcement assistance that we're providing. Also some mental health assistance for the little girls who escaped and also for the families of the girls. The - and we want to have a further designation of this group under the U.N. We've declared them a terrorist group in 2013. But they can be on the al Qaeda list of the U.N. Let's make a judgment as we give the assistance we have as to what we can accomplish with the Nigerian govern.

BLITZER: We've got to get back to the breaking news on those fires in California homestead. Let me invite you back. With you come back?

PELOSI: I will be coming back.

BLITZER: We've got a lot more time, a lot more issues to discuss. Unfortunately, we're out of time right now. Madam Leader -

PELOSI: Yes, well, the important thing is to get back to those fires and the families affected by it. Thank you for your coverage of it.

BLITZER: Thank you very much for coming in.

PELOSI: My pleasure.

