Justice for Victims of Trafficking Act of 2014

Floor Speech

Date: May 20, 2014
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. NOLAN. Madam Speaker, I rise in support of the Justice for Victims of Trafficking Act as a proud original cosponsor of the legislation.

I want to join the chorus of people here in their praise for Judge Poe and for Congresswoman Maloney for the tremendous work that they have done over a number of years bringing this important legislation forward; and, of course, to Congressman Goodlatte and Congressman Scott likewise for bringing this forward.

It is too troubling to know that there are 300,000-some children that are being sold into sex trafficking in this country, and that there are only some 300 beds for them when attempts are made to rescue, as Judge Poe just pointed out. These children aren't in some foreign country. They are right here in our own backyards. These are our own children. We can do so much better.

While our national law enforcement officials are fighting this terrible scourge, there are many organizations like Men Against Trafficking in Duluth, Minnesota, in my own congressional district, who are out there providing safe harbor services for girls and boys that are rescued from this terrible scourge.

This legislation represents the fact that Congress recognizes that we can be of assistance in fighting this terrible scourge. We do so with this act--again, of which I am a proud cosponsor. But I am so proud of what Judge Poe and Carolyn Maloney have done on this.

What the bill does, it says that these children are the victims, they are not the criminal, as they have so often been treated in our society. They are the victims of child abuse, they are the victims of rape and violence and unmentionable crimes and terrible, terrible things. They are entitled to the protection, the medical services, the counseling, all that we can provide.


Mr. NOLAN. This bill establishes a Trafficking Victims' Fund, at no cost to the taxpayer, put on the backs of the real criminals in this: the johns, the rapists, the murderers.

Mr. Speaker and my colleagues, I strongly urge passage of this bill.

