Howard P. "Buck" McKeon National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2015

Floor Speech

Date: May 21, 2014
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. KILDEE. Madam Chairman, I thank my good friend for yielding.

Madam Chairman, I would like to address two amendments that I offered that are included in the en bloc amendment, one that deals with expanding financial resources and tools for servicemembers and one that funds an independent study to improve wounded warrior care.

For too long, unscrupulous lenders have targeted servicemembers on military bases with financial products that could have long-term negative impacts on their family's financial security. Inadequate financial understanding or literacy training on some of these financial products can lead to financial difficulty for servicemembers. Many servicemembers often require security clearances to perform their duties, and financial difficulties and the loss of a clearance can have an enormous impact on military combat readiness.

This first amendment that I offer would allocate $10 million to expand financial literacy resources for incoming and transitioning servicemembers to ensure that they are not unfairly targeted by predatory lenders.

The other amendment that is included is an important one to fund an independent study to improve wounded warrior care. While the DOD is still confronting significant challenges and issues regarding its care and transition of wounded warriors, and while improvements have been made, it is obvious that wounded warriors are still failing to receive the care that they need and that they deserve. Caring for these individuals who have served honorably should--and I know always will be--one of our most solemn duties.

For this reason, a review, a comprehensive review, an independent and comprehensive review and study of this type should be awarded to an entity that is free of any current obligation; 20 percent of its revenues in the last several years should not have come from contracts from the DOD or the VA, ensuring independence. It is really important that we take a close look at how we are providing services to these servicemembers, and this independent study would do so.

