Rep. DeFazio Statement on Same-Sex Marriage Ruling

Press Release

Rep. Peter DeFazio released the following statement regarding today's court ruling that overturned Oregon's ban on same-sex marriage.

"Today's ruling makes me especially proud to be an Oregonian. As one of just 67 Members of Congress to vote against DOMA in 1996, I pointed out at the time that laws restricting marriage equality were unnecessary, discriminatory and possibly unconstitutional. With today's ruling, Oregon can reaffirm a commitment to ensuring civil rights for all citizens, not just some. While there is still work to be done in our state and around the country, today's ruling in Eugene certainly marks an important milestone in the ongoing fight for equality for all."

Rep. DeFazio is a cosponsor of H.R. 2523, the Respect for Marriage Act. This bill would repeal the remaining portions of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), which currently enable states to refuse recognition of same-sex marriages performed in other states.
