The Hill Report: Week of April 28 - May 2, 2014


Date: May 2, 2014

For nearly two years, House committees have been investigating the terrorist attack that tragically took the lives of four Americans in Benghazi, Libya. This week it became abundantly clear that the Administration has been deliberately withholding documents that were subpoenaed by the House. From day one, I have supported every effort to uncover the truth and believe that the Administration's obstruction is completely unacceptable and warrants a new level of investigation.

As Chairman of the Rules Committee, I stand ready to act on Speaker Boehner's announcement today that the House will vote on creating a Select Committee on Benghazi. It is my hope that the Select Committee will increase the public's awareness regarding this tragic event, force the Administration to comply with the law, and provide answers to the American people.

North Texas Invasive Species Barrier Act of 2014
On Monday the House approved a bill to assist more than 1.5 million customers of the North Texas Municipal Water District, many of whom reside in the 32nd Congressional District, who could face restricted access to water as a result of the discovery of invasive species in Lake Texoma. As you may remember, the House and Senate passed legislation to exempt the Texoma Pump Station from the Lacey Act in instances of zebra mussel transfers. This week's bill simply expands the zebra mussel exemption to other invasive species, which are transferred from Lake Texoma in a closed conveyance system to guarantee that 100 percent of invasive species are removed and extirpated.

This bill would ensure that 28 percent of the North Texas Municipal Water District's critical water supplies will not be unnecessarily shut off and that millions of Texans will have an adequate supply of water in the future. It's important that we restore the steady stream of water to North Texans in a manner that does not use taxpayer dollars and that complies with the Lacey Act's intended goal of preventing the spread of invasive species. To read the bill, which I cosponsored with Congressman Ralph Hall and Congressman Sam Johnson, click here.

MilCon-VA Appropriations

On Wednesday the House approved the first bill of our annual appropriations process, the Military Construction Veterans Affairs Appropriations Act of 2015. This process will allow us to fund our nation's priorities while also cutting wasteful spending and achieving meaningful savings for American taxpayers. The Military Construction-Veterans Affairs bill reduces overall spending by $1.8 billion compared to the fiscal year 2014 bill and increases funding for veterans' programs. I'm pleased to support this legislation to ensure that our troops and veterans have the services they need and the benefits they deserve.

As the Chairman of the Rules Committee, I sent this bill to the House floor under an open process, meaning that all Members were given the opportunity to offer amendments on the House floor and voice their opinions. I enjoyed the opportunity to hear the robust debate this week and to see the House work its will on behalf of the American people.

Constituent Meetings

I had the opportunity to meet with several constituents and groups that were visiting DC this week. On Wednesday I met with a student from SMU that was advocating on behalf of college students who support the Collegiate Housing and Infrastructure Act (CHIA), which I have sponsored this Congress.

In addition to discussing the CHIA bill, we talked about her priorities to improve student safety on campus. I always enjoy hearing from students in the 32nd Congressional District about their ideas to help make our community a better place to live and appreciate her group taking the time to meet with me.
