Gardner Statement on Tax Day


Date: April 15, 2014
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Taxes

Congressman Gardner released the following statement on Tax Day:

"As Americans across the country finish filing their taxes today, many are struggling to understand an overly complicated tax code that exemplifies Washington's ineffectiveness and inefficiency. Our tax code is in desperate need of reforms so that compliance is simpler to understand and less costly for all. I've introduced multiple bills in an effort to reduce the headache that is often associated with Tax Day, and worked with small businesses in Colorado to find out what pro-growth initiatives Congress could include in a comprehensive tax code reform bill. My colleagues in Colorado and I continue to fight an estate tax hike that would subject 14 times as many small businesses and 24 times as many farms to the estate tax, causing undue stress on grieving families. However, our work simplifying the tax code is far from done. The President's healthcare law has added countless new taxes to millions of Americans, and economic growth will continue to struggle until we can accomplish real, meaningful tax reform. The future of our economy depends on it."
