U.S. Senate Supports Gabriella Miller Kids First Research Act


By: Tom Cole
By: Tom Cole
Date: March 11, 2014
Location: Washington, DC

Congressman Tom Cole (OK-04) released the following statement after the United States Senate passed the Gabriella Miller Kids First Research Act. The bill, which originated in the House, will now be sent to President Obama to consider signing into law.

Passed by the House with strong bipartisan support in December and coauthored by Congressmen Tom Cole (OK-04), Gregg Harper (MS-03) and Peter Welch (VT), this legislation redirects taxpayer dollars from political party conventions and instead uses funds for pediatric disease research.

"I am pleased that the upper chamber voted in support of legislation that shifts taxpayer dollars away from needlessly funding political party conventions and into valuable pediatric disease research," said Cole. "As a former chief of staff at the Republican National Committee, I know firsthand that political party conventions can be funded easily by private sources alone.

"The Gabriella Miller Kids First Research Act takes this money that we know is currently being wasted and gives it real purpose at the National Institutes of Health (NIH). It allows NIH researchers to advance their study of pediatric diseases, including cancer and autism, and potentially discover new treatments and cures.

"Today's vote in the Senate is a true victory for American taxpayers, but it's also a victory for children suffering from diseases. I encourage President Obama to be a part of the solution for furthering pediatric disease research by signing this important, fiscally-responsible legislation into law."
