Issue Position: Jobs and Economic Justice

Issue Position

The American people have sent a clear message to Congress--create jobs. It is imperative that Congress act now for struggling families and workers across our country without further delay, to build ladders of opportunity to reignite the American dream for the 14 million Americans out of work. There is no shortage of work ethic in America -- there is a shortage of work.

I am committed to building an economy that lifts every American, not just the privileged few. Today's economic challenges are the result of years of Republican inaction and failed policies that have left more and more Americans behind. It is time to rebuild our economy in a way that's consistent with our values -- an economy that rewards hard work and responsibility, not high-flying financial schemes; an economy that's built on a stable foundation, not propelled by overheated housing markets and maxed-out credit cards. We want to build an economy that offers broadly shared prosperity for the long run.

President Obama addressed a joint session of Congress on September 8, 2011 to present his proposal to put our nation back on track--the American Jobs Act. After the President's speech, I urged Speaker Boehner to move expeditiously to pass the American Jobs Act. The bill is a clear path to help small businesses succeed and hire, provide tax relief for our workers, invest in our infrastructure, grant aid to those who have lost their jobs through no fault of their own, put our police officers, firefighters, teachers, and veterans to work, and grow our economy now. While the bill has been stalled by House Republicans, several senior Democrats have written to Republicans insisting that hearings be held on the American Jobs Act. To date, the bill has not moved forward.

I support a balanced approach: tackling the challenge of long-term deficit and debt reduction, while investing in the economy to help our small businesses and entrepreneurs attract customers, grow, and hire. I will continue to stand strong against efforts to make drastic cuts to Social Security, Medicare and vital initiatives, such as unemployment benefits, working to preserve the health, education and well-being of the American people. We can live within our means and create jobs, invest in our future and reduce the deficit, starting with an aggressive attack on waste, fraud, and abuse.

House Democrats remain committed to reigniting the American dream and rebuilding the pillars of America that have made our economy strong: small business, entrepreneurs, and an all-inclusive and thriving middle class. We must work together to build ladders of opportunity for all who work hard, take responsibility, and play by the rules.
