Issue Position: Medicare & Social Security

Issue Position


Medicare provides one of the most important guarantees in our society -- the guarantee that if you are an older American and you get sick, you will get the care that you need without going broke. Prior to it's creation in 1965, only 50 percent of seniors had health insurance because they were seen by insurance companies as too risky. Over the years, Medicare has grown and changed, but the fundamental promise has remained the same. Brian has committed himself to fighting to preserve this promise by making the program work better, remain affordable, and continue to provide seniors with easy access to the care they deserve. Brian opposes changes to the program that would force seniors to buy insurance on the open market -- drastically increasing their costs.

Social Security

Social Security is one of our nation's most successful federal programs.

Since 1935, Social Security has ensured older citizens can retire without fear of significant financial hardship, surviving spouses and children are taken care of after the death of a loved one, and the disabled can receive needed assistance to live full and productive lives.

Brian is a fierce protector of Social Security and oppose efforts to privatize or slash hard earned benefits. Instead, Brian will push for reforms that maintain Social Security's integrity while strengthening the program for current retirees, individuals with disabilities, and future generations.

In addition, Brian continues to support full funding for the Social Security Administration to process checks on time, fight against waste, fraud, and abuse, and combat unacceptable claims backlogs.

The 26th Congressional District is home to nearly 150,000 senior citizens and Brian is committed to ensuring they receive the full extent of benefits they have earned and are entitled to.
