For the Relief of the Parents of Theresa Marie Schiavo

Date: March 20, 2005
Location: Washington, DC

FOR THE RELIEF OF THE PARENTS OF THERESA MARIE SCHIAVO -- (House of Representatives - March 20, 2005)


Mr. McHENRY. Mr. Speaker, tonight we are taking on one of the great moral issues of our day, our basic sanctity of life, our right to life; and what you hear tonight is a lot of emotion.

We have all had experiences with situations similar to this, or we know those that have dealt with these tough issues. We know family members that have dealt with these tough issues of end-of-life decisions. And tonight we as a body are wrestling with this issue. Just like America is, we are wrestling with this great issue.

But I submit to you, tonight, we are not talking simply about Terri Schiavo. We are not talking simply about Terri Schiavo's family. We are talking about a greater issue: How shall we be judged as a civil society? And I submit to you that we will be judged by how we treat the least among us, those that may not defend themselves, the young, the mentally disabled, the physically disabled.

How shall we be judged as a civil society? What kind of government shall we have? As a Federal Government, I believe we have an obligation to step forward and say that we shall protect life. Even when it is tough, we shall protect life, and a woman's right to live. And tonight, Mr. Speaker, there is a woman in Florida that is being starved, and we are acting tonight to preserve her right to live and give her the opportunity of a tomorrow.

I say to you, tonight, Mr. Speaker, this is not about Terri Schiavo; it is about every one of us in this room. It is about millions of Americans across this Nation. We are all potentially Terri Schiavos.

Mr. Speaker, I urge support for this bill.

