Issue Position: Job Creation/Economy

Issue Position

Job creation is not a Democrat or Republican issue, it's a common sense issue. As a proven business leader with real world experience, I will work hard to remove government roadblocks for businesses. Government should stop impeding startups. Government often makes it impossible for businesses to keep their doors open with over-regulation and taxation.

America has the smartest, hardest working individuals in the world. Washington must get off our backs to let innovators grow their companies. For instance, we have energy resources right here in our own backyard. By lifting governmental gridlock and obstacles on our reserves, we could access our natual gas and oil resources, build refineries and employ more Americans. The cost of energy will become more affordable and boost our economy. Every American will benefit!

In Congress, a top priority will be to reform the tax code so that it is simple, understandable and fair. If businesses do not balance their budgets and pay their bills, collection companies and the IRS will be knocking on their doors. Why should the government be any different? Washington D.C. fails to understand that businesses cannot afford more taxes.
