Secretary Johnson to Testify on Vision for DHS


Date: Feb. 25, 2014
Location: Washington, DC

Chairman Michael McCaul (R-Texas) on the hearing: "Secretary Johnson is two months into his tenure as head of the Federal government's third largest Department, and thus far I have been encouraged by his willingness to work closely with the Legislative Branch. As secretary of DHS, Mr. Johnson is now the face of America's counterterrorism operations, and the Department has much to be proud of and much to improve upon. Our nation faces constant challenges to our homeland security including the evolving terror threat from al Qaeda, cyber attacks on our critical infrastructure and a porous border that leaves the door open for terrorists and other criminal actors. DHS also continues to face interdepartmental challenges such employee morale and significant gaps in senior leadership. Tomorrow, in his first time before the full committee, I look forward to hearing his vision for DHS's future and his plan for confronting these critical issues."
