Pingree Welcomes News that President Obama Will President Obama Will Protect Social Security in Budget

Press Release

Congresswoman Chellie Pingree issued the following statement today in response to the news that President Obama will not include Social Security benefit cuts in his upcoming budget proposal for next year. Yesterday Pingree and 116 of her colleagues sent a letter to the President urging him not to include "chained CPI" in his proposal.

"Chained CPI is nothing more than a cut to the benefits that seniors have worked their entire life for. Americans who work hard, play by the rules and pay into Social Security shouldn't have the rug pulled out from under from under them by a benefit cut," Pingree said.

In the letter to President Obama, Pingree and her colleagues argued against using the chained consumerprice index to calculate cost-of-living adjustments (COLA) for Social Security and other federal programs. Switching to this measure of inflation, known as "chained CPI," would reduce Social Security payments for seniors, veterans and people with disabilities.
