Congresswoman McCarthy Joins Mayors Against Illegal Guns and Moms Demand Action To Shed Light on the Unacceptable Prevalence of School Shootings

Press Release

Date: Feb. 12, 2014

Today, Congresswoman Carolyn McCarthy participated in an event hosted by Mayors Against Illegal Guns and Moms Demand Action to promote school safety. The attendees included Senator Chris Murphy of Connecticut, David Esquith, Director of the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Safe and Healthy Students and Carlee Soto, sister of Victoria Soto, a teacher who died in the tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School.

Both Mayors Against Illegal Guns and Moms Demand Action today released an analysis of school shootings in America since Newtown. In the fourteen months since the tragedy, there have been at least 44 school shootings. "The numbers are clear: we are not doing enough to keep our children safe at school," said Congresswoman Carolyn McCarthy (D-NY). "We don't have to choose between protecting the Second Amendment and installing some sensible safety measures that keep guns out of the wrong hands."

With Valentine's Day approaching, hearts continue to be broken over senseless gun tragedies. Today's analysis presented by Mayors Against Illegal Guns and Moms Demand Action is a reminder that Congress must act and not be indifferent to senseless gun violence in America, particularly in our nation's schools.
