Congressman Jim Bridenstine Supports Three Energy Bills

Press Release

Date: Nov. 21, 2013
Location: Washington, DC

This week, the House of Representatives passed three bills that, if enacted, would move America closer than ever to true energy independence and energy security for decades to come. Congressman Jim Bridenstine voted for these bills, which all passed with bi-partisan support.

"Restoring state sovereignty and increasing domestic energy production are two of my highest priorities in Congress, and the bills passed by the House this week would accomplish just that," said Bridenstine. "Oklahoma can help lead America toward energy independence and create thousands of jobs along the way, but only if Washington gets out of the way."

H.R. 1965, the Federal Lands Jobs and Energy Security Act of 2013, would significantly open onshore domestic energy. This bill would reform the federal permitting process, requiring regular lease sales in promising new areas and setting firm timelines for the approval and issuance of those leases. The bill also requires the Secretary of the Interior to produce a comprehensive, all-of-the-above domestic energy plan every four years; allow for full utilization of energy resources on the National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska and on tribal lands; and allow for Internet-based auctions of onshore leases.

H.R. 2728, the Protecting States' Rights to Promote American Energy Security Act, would allow states to make their own decisions about hydraulic fracturing (fracking) within their borders by prohibiting the Department of the Interior from enforcing any federal fracking regulations in any state that has its own rules governing these activities. States like Oklahoma would continue to see the benefits of economic activity and job creation from shale gas production while placing the responsibility for making sure it is done in a safe and responsible manner with Oklahomans, not Washington bureaucrats.

H.R. 1900, the Natural Gas Pipeline Permitting Reform Act, would require federal regulators to approve or deny any proposed pipeline no later than one year after the application has been submitted to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). It also requires FERC to provide guidance and support necessary for companies to fully comply with the application process. Oklahoma is one of many states poised to benefit from world market for natural gas exports, but unnecessary delays from the Obama Administration have significantly impeded the pipeline permitting and construction process.
