Womack State of the Union Response


Date: Jan. 28, 2014
Location: Washington, DC

Congressman Steve Womack (AR-3) tonight released the following statement in response to President Obama's State of the Union address:

"Tonight, President Obama called for a year of action and asked whether we in Congress are going to "help or hinder" America's progress. Unfortunately, I'm afraid our nation can't take much more of the top-down, government-expanding "action" and "progress" for which he's calling. I know for certain that Arkansas's Third District can't; I hear it from you, my constituents, day after day.

"You have told me you need policies that allow you to hold the keys to your success instead of promoting the status quo, that grow the economy and not the federal government, that enable you to create jobs rather than make doing so a disincentive, and that empower you to achieve your goals and the American dream without holding them back with red tape. That's what we've been working on in the House, and that's the America to which I'm committed. I will continue to work with my colleagues -- and hopefully President Obama -- to find solutions to these problems -- the problems you face -- and to create more opportunity and a stronger America."
