Schrader Responds to the State of the Union Address


Date: Jan. 28, 2014
Location: Washington, DC

Congressman Kurt Schrader (D-OR) today released the following statement after the President delivered his State of the Union address:

"I appreciate the President's remarks this evening, particularly his emphasis on education and workforce training. These are the keys to growing our economy, creating good-paying American jobs and strengthening our global competitiveness as we advance into the 21st century," Schrader said.

"I also share the President's frustration with Congress's partisan gridlock, but I would point to a couple of recent legislative successes that could turn the tide. Congress passed a budget for the first time in several years and is on track to pass a Farm Bill, and I think these are victories that we can build on. Oregonians want Congress to work together. That's why I helped form a bipartisan problem solvers group here in Congress, which is comprised of members who are not interested in political gamesmanship."

"So I will work with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to craft policies that will put Americans back to work to improve our nation's infrastructure; I will help find a solution for our O & C counties, which will revitalize rural areas in Oregon that have been struggling for decades; and I will continue to focus on responsibly and effectively reducing the federal deficit and our national debt, which will inject more certainty into the economy and spur investments that will create jobs and put our country on a path to even greater prosperity."
