Congressman Al Green Applauds Local Community Health Clinics Awarded Funds from HHS to Enroll Uninsured Texans in the New Health Insurance Marketplaces

By: Al Green
By: Al Green
Date: Dec. 20, 2013
Location: Houston, TX

(Houston-TX)--On Thursday, December 19, 2013, Congressman Al Green called representatives from South Central Care Community Health Center, the Harris County Hospital District, and the Asian American Health Coalition of the Greater Houston Area to congratulate them on being awarded grants to assist Texans in enrolling in the new Health Insurance Marketplaces and receive quality health care services.

These grants are important investments not only in our community health clinics but in the health and vitality of our community," Congressman Al Green said. "I trust that our community health clinics will use these grants wisely and further expand access to health care in Houston."

On December 11, 2013, Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Kathleen Sebelius announced $58 million in grants to 1,157 health clinics across the country working to enroll uninsured Americans in the new health insurance coverage options made available by the Affordable Care Act. With these funds, health clinics can expand their enrollment assistance efforts as more Americans enroll in affordable health insurance coverage.

These awards will allow community health clinics to expand the hours of existing outreach and enrollment assistance workers, as well as hire new or temporary workers. The South Central Houston Community Health Center received $165,755 in the fiscal year for 2013 and $92,935 in 2014; the Harris County Hospital District received $154,326 in the fiscal year for 2013 and $85,662 in 2014; the Asian American Health Coalition of the Greater Houston Area received $90,867 in the fiscal year for 2013 and $45,279 in 2014.
