Rokita: Budget Legislation Makes Important Reforms and Takes Obama-Reid Future Obamacare Shutdown Off the Table


Date: Dec. 12, 2013
Location: Washington, DC

Representative Todd Rokita released the following statement today after voting in favor of bipartisan budget legislation agreed to by Budget Chairmen Representative Paul Ryan (R-WI) and Senator Patty Murray (D-WA) late Tuesday. The bill passed the House tonight with a strong bipartisan vote.

"This budget is a better deal than the current sequestration law because it makes spending reforms that cut more than sequester will and therefore will continue on after sequestration is scheduled to expire. The reforms, and therefore budget savings, start immediately and compound over time.

Since mandatory social entitlement spending is driving our debt, this budget is a step in the right direction, and a good springboard for the immense amount of reform work yet to be done.

Finally, this budget prevents President Obama and Harry Reid from staging another shutdown so they can distract from the failures of ObamaCare," Rokita said.
