Issue Position: Education

Issue Position

I know first-hand that a good education involves parents, teachers and local schools. My door is open to all educators in Southwest Washington. We share the same goal: ensure our children receive a world class education so they are prepared to succeed in a 21st century global economy.

My priorities for education:
- Put students at the center of our decisions regarding education; students should be our focus, not the adults in the system.
- Increase local control over our education system. Decisions regarding our children should be made in Southwest Washington, not by bureaucrats in Washington, DC.
- Equip our children to compete in the global 21st century economy, with a focus on S.T.E.M. education (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math)
- Maintain/increase career and technical education opportunities. When children leave the K-12 system, we must also ensure they are ready and prepared to choose the best path for them, whether that's a technical/vocational training, university or other.
- Require high standards and accountability from our education system, so Southwest Washington employers can hire from a qualified Southwest Washington workforce.
- Account for the impact federal land ownership has on rural schools in Southwest Washington.
