First Legislative Act: Repealing Obamacare

Floor Speech

Date: Jan. 14, 2014
Location: Washington, DC

Mr. BYRNE. Mr. Speaker, last week I was sworn in as the newest Member of this body. As my very first legislative act, I have announced my cosponsorship of the American Health Care Reform Act, a bill that will repeal the destructive ObamaCare law and replace it with conservative, market-based solutions.

ObamaCare is hurting families across south Alabama, causing dropped coverage, skyrocketing premiums, and adding to the debt when we just can't afford it. It is becoming painfully obvious for families and small businesses in this country that this law is not working, and that it simply cannot be fixed.

We have a responsibility in this body to do what is right for the American people, and it is urgent and obvious we must act now to end this unworkable law.

To my colleagues on the other side: I respect you and stand ready to work with you to replace this law with solutions that will actually lower costs and provide quality care for all of the people in America.
