Issue Position: Fishing and Arctic Issues

Issue Position

In Alaska, fishing isn't a hobby or a sporting event. More than 76,000 jobs in our state are directly or indirectly linked to the fishing industry. Our fisheries bring in $5 billion to our state's economy. For us, fishing is a way of life.

Alaska is home to some of largest fisheries in the world. We have more coastline and adjacent marine waters than the rest of the nation combined. We are the largest producer of wild salmon, pollock and Pacific halibut. And we produce up to 62 percent of the nation's seafood in any given year.

I'm proud to be chairman of the Commerce Committee's subcommittee on Oceans, Atmosphere, Fisheries and Coast Guard -- a committee some have called "Alaska's Committee." It allows me to champion the economic development of Alaska's marine resources, shape legislation to create new fishing jobs and responsibly develop our offshore waters based on strong science and research.

Alaska's seafood is the best quality in the world -- and it should remain that way. And for thousands of Alaskan families, the fish we catch each summer sustains and nourishes us throughout the long winters. Which is why I've long opposed attempts to introduce genetically modified (GMO) salmon, sometimes referred to as "Frankenfish," to our waters.
