Waiting for Democrat Plan to Fix Social Secuity

Date: March 3, 2005
Location: Washington, DC

WAITING FOR DEMOCRAT PLAN TO FIX SOCIAL SECURITY -- (House of Representatives - March 03, 2005)

(Mr. KINGSTON asked and was given permission to address the House for 1 minute and to revise and extend his remarks.)

Mr. KINGSTON. Mr. Speaker, well, the month of January went by and nothing happened. The month of February went by and nothing happened. Here we are, it is March, as a matter of fact, it is March 3rd. It looks like nothing is going to happen from the Democrat side to address Social Security.

One more day has gone, one more day of rhetoric and denouncing what the President is going to do and denouncing what the Republicans are doing and scaring senior citizens. But, still, no plan from the Democrat party to save and protect Social Security.

Now, it is interesting, up until last week they were saying there is no problem, we like it how it is. And yet in a major policy shift for the Democrat party, the Democrat Committee Chairman, Howard Dean, also known as ``Screaming Dean,'' pointed out in a quote at Cornell University, which, as you know, is not exactly a sanctuary for conservative thought in America, Dean pointed out that if Social Security were left alone for 30 years, its benefits would be reduced to 80 percent of what it is now. He acknowledged there were problems.

Thank goodness, hallelujah, we have a Democrat who admits there is a Social Security problem. That means maybe the month of March will not go by. Maybe by the end of March the Democrats will join us and come up with a plan. We welcome their ideas. We solicit their ideas. We want their support.

