Issue Position: Children, Women and Families

Issue Position

Poverty in Metro Atlanta is all too real; nearly one-quarter of our community struggles just to feed their families, educate their children, and just make ends meet. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, almost 50 million Americans are living in poverty; of this number, almost 16 million are children.

As a member of the Ways and Means Human Resources Subcommittee, I fight to protect programs serving women, children in foster care, and struggling families. Now, more than ever we must ensure that the programs serving the disenfranchised, the forgotten, and the backbones of our community do not end up on the chopping block.

I champion legislation and initiatives which not only help families survive hard times and emerge from poverty, but become self-sufficient in the long-term. In addition to introducing the Look-Back Elimination Act, the National Parents Corps Act, and the Stephanie Tubbs Jones Assets for Independence Act, I also cosponsor

The Paycheck Fairness Act, a bill to eliminate pay disparities between men and women;
The Healthy Families Act, a bill to establish a national paid sick days standard; and
The Family and Medical Leave Act, a bill to expand and improve FMLA benefits.

We cannot cut the programs which provide a key social net to struggling families. There must be adequate funding for domestic and global programs like Women Infants and Children, Child Survival and Health, Legal Services Corporation, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, Community Development Block Grants, Economic Development Assistance programs, Adult Employment and Training Services, Title X Family Planning, International Family Planning, and Community Service Block Grants.

I am also a member of the following Caucuses:

The Congressional Out of Poverty Caucus
The Human Trafficking Caucus
The Victim's Rights Caucus
The Missing and Exploited Children Caucus
The Congressional Coalition on Adoption
The Foster Care Caucus
