Issue Position: Energy

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2013
Issues: Energy

Higher energy costs are taking a toll on Florida families, seniors living on fixed incomes, and job-creating small businesses. We need a comprehensive, balanced plan aimed at reducing our dependence on foreign oil. Furthermore, we need to reject plans that will make the cost of electricity skyrocket.

Reducing America's Dependence on Foreign Oil

The U.S. presently imports 70 percent of its oil. We must reduce our dependence on foreign oil by exploring domestic energy sources and building new, up-to-date refineries, which we haven't done for 30 years.

Nuclear power currently generates only 20% of our energy, but it has the potential to supply much more, so that we can reduce our reliance on foreign oil.

Utilizing Domestic Oil Reserves

The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge holds the single largest deposit of oil in the entire United State. Tapping the wealth of oil there could increase total U.S. oil reserves by 50 percent.

Investing in Renewable and Alternative Energy

Florida's own burgeoning renewable industry is a leader in developing alternative sources of energy. That's why I will continue to support policy that invests in research and development of clean and renewable fuels like solar and wind power as well as alternative fuels such as ethanol and bio-diesel.

Encouraging Conservation Efforts

Voluntary conservation programs and greater efficiency should be part of any balanced energy plan. That's why I support recycling efforts and raising fuel economy standards for cars and trucks.

Holding Big Oil Accountable

We must hold Big Oil accountable for cost increases by cracking down on price-gouging and eliminating unnecessary taxpayer subsidies for the oil industry.

Opposing Electricity Cost Increases

The Cap and Trade legislation, which I opposed, contained provisions that would jeopardize jobs and significantly increase energy costs on families and small businesses. The bill would increase the average American family's energy costs by $1200 - $1700.
